Art to Inbox: Week I


Art to Inbox

Week I

Welcome to my new email series, Art to Inbox!

This is your weekly update showcasing original art I’ve been working on from the previous week, straight from my studio to your inbox. I hope you enjoy these little Friday updates!

Nude Femme
18 x 24 cm // about 7 x 10 inches
Charcoal on Brown Art Paper
Matt Included

Chalk & Charcoal

This art was inspired by the beauty of the feminine form and my love of chalk sketches with quick, brushy strokes.

Nude Femme ships free to USA and France. Hit reply to this email for more details.

Cassis, France

Cassis, France



I made these sea inspired sketches after a cold, beautiful trip to Cassis, France last Wednesday.

Artist to Follow

Finally, I’d like to share my favorite artist to follow this week: Emily Jeffords. Her hugely successful art career, diligent work to help other creatives and gorgeous soft tone landscape paintings set her firmly as one of the leaders in our field.


Until next week!


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Avery Ches