Art to Inbox: Week VIII


Art to Inbox

Week VII


Welcome back to my email series, Art to Inbox!

This is your weekly update showcasing original art I’ve been working on from the previous week, straight from my studio to your inbox. I hope you enjoy these little updates!

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Luynes, Original Charcoal Sketch Set of 3/6
14 x 17 inches
$50, $75


Why Did I Make These?

The process of making good art takes a lot of practice. I tend to forget this when I’m making art for prints, commissions or grand finale pieces. The work in between is just as important. Sketches, chalking, and using all sorts of media, are the crucial threads that weave together those final “big moment” pieces. Sketches like these, often seen as solely intermediary, are in fact just as much part of the art creation. I love the look of loose sketches and chalks on paper as well! These in particular are inspired by the fields which surround Luynes, just outside of Aix-en-Provence.


Venice II, Original Watercolor Postcard Art
4 x 6 inches


Artist to Follow

My favorite artist to follow this week is Jason Chambers. His abstract, cubist, linear style is truly unique and incredible to watch being created! Being so different from my own style, I really appreciate his work and how it reminds me that good art doesn’t fit into one traditional box. Jason is a dedicated and thought provoking artist, who I’ve had the pleasure of watching grow and gain his own success online and in his work.


Until next time!
Avery & M. Beauregard

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