Art to Inbox: Week XVII
This week is FULL of exciting news to share, so get ready!
Welcome back to my email series, Art to Inbox!
This is your weekly(ish) update showcasing original art I’ve been working on from the previous week, straight from my studio to your inbox. I hope you enjoy these little updates.
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Watercolor on Art Mat
What’s new in the studio?
Since launching The Sunday Set, we have been busy with two exciting new endeavors…
Firstly, I decided to shift focus into applying for gallery shows again.
Why “the shift”? For the past two years it has seemed more important to practice, solidify my art into more cohesive collections and grow my following online. After showing art at the café here in Aix last month though, I was re-inspired to start doing physical shows again - especially as I never widely considered Europe before moving here two years ago.
So, I embarked on a new challenge:
“100 Days of Applications”.
With so much to do in a business, on top of continuing to create new art, especially cohesive art with well thought out ideas behind it, things like applications can become, well, lost in the chaos.
Having a solid challenge, of a specific number of days, and a clear, intentional goal, has already been enormously effective. (Applications, actually working? It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you just sit down and do the thing.)
Sharing goals and intentions to my community, you all, and on social media keeps me accountable in a very important way. It may seem like a small thing, but for artists and creatives who work mainly alone, it is crucial.
Other creatives on this email, do you share your goals and intentions with your community? How does it affect your accountability? (Reply button, top right, it’s just me behind here!)
GOALS & INTENTIONS, 100 Days of Applications
It’s pretty straightforward but I want to share this anyway! I am applying to galleries, open calls, cold calls (just approaching galleries to show “cold”), residencies and licensing deals with other companies for 100 Days.
I am keeping a strong record of each application and the follow up as well as giving myself grace and space to live my life if all the applications are not done consecutively or perfectly (it’s a 100 days total, not back to back, specifically).
(After just five days of my challenge, this work has already seen one gallery acceptance to a show this fall in London!)
My intention is to continue sharing my art in smarter, broader and more reachable places - third party print companies, shops, galleries, etc. with the open mindset that my art is worthy of being seen, purchased and shared with the world.
My intention is to expand the way I think about art and business, help other artists do the same, and create my highest work.
The Second Exciting New Endeavor…
We are seeking contributing writers for our creative blog space!
I will keep this short as I will be sending a more in depth email about this soon, but basically, we want creatives, writers, entrepreneurs - anyone passionate about their ideas, to have the ability to share their writing in the Avery Ches Fine Art blog.
More on this soon, but for more information right now, click below!
Two exciting new projects and the intention to share more behind my thoughts and process with you all! It’s a very exciting time. Thank you for your support, energy and attention, as always.