4 Morning Rituals for Creatives


4 Morning Rituals for Creatives

For a clear, strong and productive morning


RItual #1

Set your space for creating.

It is amazing what a little de-cluttering can do for creative minds (and others alike). Creating in a messy space is definitely part of the process sometimes! As creative workers, clutter can creep into our spaces quicker than paint dries on paper. However, having space for your mind to be creative extends to your office/studio as well. Here’s a quick list for fast and easy de-cluttering in the morning:

  • Clear clutter that you can see which doesn’t pertain to your creative project this morning

  • Quickly wipe down the surface with a bit of water and a few drops of essential oils (rosemary is a great stimulating scent for creativity, and citrus and sage together create balance that is both grounded yet energetic)

  • Set up your work in a way that is pleasing to you and your eye. I like to get out paints and snap a few photos to really feel the colors and textures working together. Everything becomes your art when you open your mind to the idea that life exudes art; even the way you set your space is your art.



Ritual #2

Drink well, create well.

Simple but effective in refreshing your creative spirit and grounding your anxieties around creating… drink well. What I mean is, choose what your put into your body with purpose and thoughtfulness. Grabbing quick, low quality beverages in the morning, like instant coffee and sugar-added juice can send your mind and body straight into anxiety mode. It may wake you up for an instant, but the mental and physical crash will come very quickly after and there goes your strong, productive, creative day. Simple ideas to make your morning drink grounding and creativity inducing:

  • If you don’t need coffee or absolutely love it, choose something else. Coffee is a quick rush stimulant and doesn’t really help us wake up. However, if your spirit needs it, go right ahead just…

  • Try to choose organic, local or ethically sourced coffee. Feel the truth of energy exchange. Better products = better you.

  • Avoid sugar, chocolate or a lot of dairy products in the AM. This can also weigh down your body and mind, creating a rush and then crash in the mid-morning.

  • Finally, relax. We’re not here to try and change every single habit, just do your best. Don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t or feel like you can’t afford the “good stuff”. It will come, things that you want and deserve will not pass you by.

Ritual #3

Stretch, Move, Dance, Do Yoga for 5 Minutes

Let’s be completely honest here. Five minutes is all you need to reset your entire body, mind and spirit. Whatever you practice, be it yoga, Qi Gong, dancing, stretching, whatever, do a reset for your body, gently, to wake up. We aren’t doing a full work out here, just move. Don’t think too much about it, do what feels good. If you really don’t know where to turn, search a quick ten minute yoga or stretch video on YouTube (I love KinoYoga personally). Set your timer for five minutes and be as present in your body during those five minutes as you possibly can.

Ritual #4


Repeat this mantra ten times, out loud, in your clearest, strongest voice (or as close to it as you can get!):

I am creating from a place of confidence and wisdom. I create with focus, clarity and intuition. All that I deserve will not pass me by, my creative Self is realizing her potential.

My self worth is not dependent on my level of productivity.

I know these are long, so if you feel pressed for time, just repeat the above mantra: My self worth is not dependent on my level of productivity. Remember, we’re re-working old, outdated beliefs which are deeply ingrained. So if it feels overly repetitive... that’s okay! Try to feel into the words, feel the heart of their meaning and connect them with your sense of worth. Notice what comes up for you and keep going.

Could you try these four rituals for creative, productive mornings for just four days in a row and see how you fare, being kind and gentle with yourself if you don’t do everything perfectly. Self-criticism is the fastest way to kill your best, brightest creative work and Self. You are enough!

Do you have a question or comment about this post? Get in touch by my email! I’d love to hear from you: averyches@gmail.com.
