Amelfa, Paintings on opera Libretto Pages

Amelfa, Paintings on opera Libretto Pages

from $125.00

Nude Paintings on Opera Libretto Pages Collection
Watercolor and Mixed Media on Paper
17 x 18 cm // 6.7 x 7.1 in
Entire book, 18 x 18 cm

Process: This is a watercolor and mixed media painting on libretto book paper from Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s Le Coq D’or, or The Golden Cockerel, an opera which was performed in Aix-en-Provence, France at the summer lyric music festival.

I saw this particular opera three times, including one pre-rehearsal show. The female lead, the Queen of Chemakha, presented such a deeply sad, mysterious and yet seductively powerful character. I found her and the story to be a profound reflection of my research into the female gaze with which I seek to understand our own relationship with the feminine form, especially the nude, through art.

Entire Book: This entire libretto book contains unique paintings similar to Amelfa, all of feminine nudes and with minimalist line styles. If you are interested in purchasing this entire book, please get in touch for more images of the other paintings within.

Framing: If choosing the framed option, I will be in touch about specific frames which I generally use for pieces on paper. I like to frame in light wood, in the floating style, or slightly raised off the mat. To give space to the piece, I frame in the golden ratio to the next size up giving at least 2-3 inches or more away from the art to the frame.

Shipping: Your art ships from Aix-en-Provence, France. Please allow 3-4 weeks for arrival stateside, less for Europe and North Africa, etc.

For questions about this piece or my art in general, please reach me here.

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